ところから (A. 645)

Example sentences

This gem is called "cat's-eye" because it resembles a cat's eye.
The misunderstanding was caused by the fact that I didn't explain it to both of them fully.
Dr. Tanaka was called "Professor Bow Tie" because he always wore one.
Because its constitution bans the possession of military power, Japan has "Self-Defence Forces," but not an "army."
This theory comes from the fact that, biologically, the two species have many things in common.
Because the Analects teach us that "It is better to play Go than to not do anything," it appears that Go was already fairly popular before Confucius' time.
Because my house was close to the Englishman's, I visited him often and he taught me English and English songs and other things.
This magazine was first published as a separate volume of a famous monthly magazine and later became an independent publication because it was so well received.
I heard that the capacity of the CDs we use so widely now for music was settled on because a (certain) performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony was 74 minutes long.


(i) {V/Adjectiveい}informalところから
{する/した}ところからBecause someone does/did something
{高い/高かった}ところからBecause something is/was expensive
(ii) Adjectiveなstem{な/である/だった/であった}ところから
便利{な/である/だった/であった}ところからBecause something is/was convenient
(iii) Noun{である/だった/であった}ところから
日本人{である/ だった/であった}ところからBecause someone is/was a Japanese