ないことも / はない (I. 203)

Example sentences

A: Don't you read Japanese newspapers? B: I do read them, but very rarely. (literally: It isn't the case that I don't read them, but very rarely.)
A: この辺は夏涼しくないんですか。B: いや、涼しくないこともないんですが、時々ひどく暑くなります。
A: Isn't it cool around here during the summer? B: Yes, it is cool, but sometimes it gets terribly hot.
A: お父さんはお元気じゃないんですか。B: いや、元気じゃないことはないんですが、血圧が少し高いようです。
A: Isn't your father in good health? B: Yes, he is healthy, but his blood pressure is a bit high.
A:日本語は難しくありませんか。B: いえ、難しくないこともないんですが、日本語の難しさは強調されすぎていると思いますよ。
A: Isn't Japanese difficult? B: Yes, it is difficult, but it seems that the difficulty of Japanese is overemphasized.
A:山田さんは政治学者じゃないんですね。B: いや、政治学者じゃないこともないんですが、どちらかというと政治家です。
A: Mr. Yamada isn't a political scientist, is he? B: Yes, he is a political scientist, but he is more of a politician.
Japanese are said to like group behaviour. Certainly, they do behave as a group, but there are quite a few Japanese who behave individually.


話さないこと{/}ないI do speak, but ~
高くないこと{/}ないSomething is expensive/high, but ~
不便{で/じゃ}ないこと{/}ないSomething is frequent, but ~
学者{で/じゃ}ないこと{/}ないSomeone is a scholar, but ~