何しろ (I. 216)

Example sentences

My father is obstinate. As a matter of fact, once he says he will do something, he never changes his mind.
A: I heard that education at this college is good. B: Yeah, you may be surprised, but the student-instructor ratio is 6 to 1.
Because my boss hollers at me all day long, I'm unbelievably stressed.
He is rich, you know. Believe it or not, he has three Mercedes Benz.
It snowed a lot this winter. In fact, there were less snow-free days than snowy days, you know.
He is a heavy smoker. In fact, he smokes about 60 cigarettes a day.
A: 日本は人が多いねえ。B: うん、何しろ、面積はアメリカの二十五分の一なのに、人口は二分一だからね。
A: Japan is crowded, isn't it? B: Yeah, as a matter of fact, the size is one twenty fifth of America but the population is one half, you know.
I'm unbelievably busy. I don't have any sleeping time, you know.