なり~なり (I. 223)

Example sentences

If you don't understand grammar, ask me or Professor Suzuki.
As for kanji you can't read, find out the reading either by looking it up in a dictionary or by asking a Japanese.
Either I or Yamada will go to the airport to pick you up.
If you have something that you want to report, please do it by telephone or by fax.
I would like to see my parents or a close friend, and talk leisurely.
Right now I'm so busy that I can't make a trip, but I intend to make one during the spring break or summer vacation.
If you want to play tennis, why don't you play with Tom or Charles?
If you are looking for an apartment, you should go to a realtor or look at the newspaper ads.
You'd better do some exercise, like taking a walk or swimming.


(i) NounなりNounなり{が/を}
田中君なり山田君なり{が/を}Either Tanaka or Yamada
(ii) NounNoun1 Particleなり Noun2 ParticleなりWhere Particle=other particles than が/を
山へなり海へなりTo the mountain or to the oceans
田中君になり山田君になりEither to Tanaka or to Yamada
(iii) NounNoun1なり Noun2 ParticleWhere the Particle is に,へ,と,で,から
ラジオなりテレビなりEither on the radio or TV
(iv) Vinformal nonpastなり Vinformal nonpast なり
読むなり、書くなりReading or writing