その上 (I. 413)

Example sentences

He looked for an apartment with me, and moreover, he even helped me move.
This job pays a good salary, and what's more, it offers opportunities to go abroad from time to time.
Bananas are cheap. On top of that, they are nutritious.
Everybody loves her because she is not only pretty but also good-natured (literally: because she is pretty, and what's more, she is good-natured).
When I went to my professor's house to consult him about my job, he gave me all kinds of advice, and on top of that, he even served me dinner.
When I went to see John at his place, he got me to help him paint his house, and what's more, he even got me to mow the lawn.
This apartment is convenient for commuting and the rent is reasonable. Moreover, it even has a parking space.
The structure of Japanese is considerably different from that of English, and on top of that, it has kanji; therefore, it is difficult for Americans to learn.
This school does not have many good teachers and the facilities are not good, either. And besides that, there is a lot of juvenile crime.


(i) {V/Adjective/Noun+Copula}てその上
いつでも使えて、その上、無料だYou can use it any time, and on top of that, it’s free
おいしくて、その上、栄養があるIt’s delicious and what’s more, nutritious
不便で、その上、家賃が高いIt’s inconvenient, and moreover,the rent is expensive.
純金製で、その上、ダイヤがはまっているIt’s made of pure gold, and besides, it has a diamond (literally: a diamond is embedded)
(ii) Vますその上
ほめられ、その上、ほうびまでもらったI was praised,and what’s more, I was given an award
(iii) Adjective いその上
話が面白く、その上、読みやすいThe story is interesting, and on top of that, it’s easy to read
(iv) Sentence しその上
その仕事はつまらないし、その上、給料が悪いThe job is boring, and what’s worse, the pay is bad
(v) Sentenceその上
その老人は体が不自由。その上、耳が遠いThe old man is disabled. Furthermore, he is hard of hearing