それどころか (I. 420)

Example sentences

Mr. Smith cannot write kanji. As a matter of fact, he cannot write even hiragana satisfactorily.
A:今晩パーティーに行かない? B:それどころ{か、/じゃないよ。}親父が入院したんだ。
A: Shall we go to the party tonight? B: No way (literally: Far from it). Dad got hospitalized.
She is not young. On the contrary, she has as many as three grandchildren.
I don't have a penny. As a matter of fact, I'm suffering from debts.
Jim cannot speak Japanese. In fact, he cannot even make simple greetings in Japanese.
A: 風邪を引いたんだって?B:それどころか、肺炎になって、入院していたんだ。
A: Did you have a cold? (literally: I heard that you had a cold, but is it true?) B: On the contrary, I had pneumonia and got hospitalized.
A: Shall we go see a movie? B; Are you kidding? (literally: Far from it) Tonight I'm so busy that I have to stay up all night.
A: Kazuko, can you help me? B; No way, I'm busy doing my homework, you know.
Clark can eat sashimi. As a matter of fact, he eats even nattou.


(i) Sentence1それどころかSentence2
暑くない。それどころか寒いIt’s not hot. On the contrary, it’s cold
(ii) A: Sentence
A:疲れたね。Tired, aren’t we?
B:それどころか{が、/じゃない。}死にそうなんだよFar from it. I’m almost dead