というのは~ことだ (I. 487)

Example sentences

Pasokon means personal computer.
Karoushi means to die from overwork.
Ashi ga deru (literally: a foot sticks out) means that an expense exceeds the amount budgeted.
Saru mo ki kara ochiru (literally: even monkeys fall from trees) means that even a skilful person sometimes makes a mistake.
Maikaa (literally: my car) means a car owned by an individual.
Uraguchi-nyuugaku (literally: entering school through the back door) means to enter a school without taking an entrance exam.
Kuchi ga karui (literally: one's mouth is light) means easily telling others things one shouldn't.
Atama wo shiboru (literally: squeeze one's head) means to think hard to get good ideas.
Neko no hitai no youna (literally: like a cat's forehead) means that a place is very small (as in a very small yard).
Hana yori dango (literally: dumplings rather than blossoms) means that edible dumplings are better than pretty but inedible blossoms; i.e., one should take substance over appearance.


(i) Noun/Adjective な stemというのは
マンションというのはWhat manshon means is ~
独創的というのはDokusouteki means ~
(ii) {VP/AP/Sentence}informalというのは
「首を切る」というのはWhat kubi wo kiru (literally to cut one’s head off) means is ~
「溺れる者はわらをもつかむ」というのはWhat oboreru mono wa wara wo mo tsukamu (literally a drowning person cluthes even at a straw) means is ~
(iii) のことだ
買取のアパートのことだ~ means an apartment for purchase
(iv) Verb/AdjectiveことだThe same as the relative clause formation rules
(何かをするのが)易しいことだ~ means ‘easy to do something’
(何かが)大好きなことだ~ means ‘to like someone a lot’
(何かが上手に)なることだ~ mean ‘to become skilful in something’
(v) {VP/AP/Sentence}informalということだ
細かい所ばかりを見て全体を見ないということだ~ means that one sees only details and does not see the whole