だけのことはある (A. 51)

Example sentences

Akiko is very good at Korean. She didn't study at Seoul National University for two years for nothing.
He has been swimming more than 1 kilometre every day. No wonder he is still in such good shape at 90 (years old).
Professor Yamada is good at teaching Japanese. She didn't teach it at a U.S. university for nearly 20 years for nothing.
Ms. Chang has a firm grip on the world economic situation. She doesn't fly around the world as a finance consultant for nothing.
The kids next door have very good manners. Strict parental discipline explains it.
Tanaka's rise has been quick, although he isn't that talented. His careful attention to his boss explains it.
Einstein's theory is still alive, even in the 21st century. No wonder he is called the greatest physicist of the 20th century.
Fortunately, I studied Japanese in Japan and now I can speak it fairly well. I didn't go to Japan for nothing.
He has been composing haiku since his younger days. No wonder he has such a sharp eye for nature.


(i) {V/Adjective い}informalだけのことはある
{読む/読んだ}だけのことはあるSomeone doesn’t/didn’t read something for nothing
{高い/高かった}だけのことはあるSomething isn’t/wasn’t expensive for nothing
(ii) Adjective な {な/だった} だけのことはある
好き{な/だった}だけのことはあるIt’s no surprise someone likes/liked it
(iii) Noun {Ø/だった}だけのことはある
プロゴルファー{Ø/だった}だけのことはあるIt’s no surprised someone is/was a professional golfer