だの (A. 57)

Example sentences

In the garden, many flowers such as pansies, tulips, azaleas and others, were in bloom.
The students are always complaining that the food at the cafeteria isn't good, or their classes are boring and so on.
I like noodles such as soba, udon and ramen.
High school students now are addicted to things like cell phones and computer games.
Whenever I invite him to go out for a drink, he has an excuse: he's got a headache or another appointment or something.
She used to claim that she would keep working after she got married because she liked her work and could manage both family life and her career.
She's always boasting that she's good at tennis and (also good at) piano, and things like that.
Students preparing for the examination are spending busy days stuffed with cram school and tests.


(i) Noun1だのNoun2だの(Noun3だの)
そばだの、うどんだの、寿司だのSoba and undon and sushi, and things like that
(ii) {V/Adjectiveい}1 informalだの{V/Adjectiveい}2 informalだの
疲れるだのお腹が空くだのSaying that someone gets tired or hungry, and things like that
疲れただのお腹が空いただのSaying that someone got tired or hungry, and things like that
暑いだの、雨が多いだのSaying that it is hot or it rains too much, and things like that
暑かっただの、雨が多かっただのSaying that it was hot or it rained too much, and things like that
(iii) {Adjective な stem/Noun}{∅/だった}だの{Adjective な stem/Noun}{∅/だった}だの
不健康{∅/だった}だの、非衛生的{∅/だった}だのSaying that something is/was unhealthy and unhygienic, and so on
バカ者{∅/だった}だの、腑抜け{∅/だった}だのSaying that someone is/was a fool or and idiot, among other things