であれ (A. 67)

Example sentences

Even the (company) president shouldn't be allowed to do things like that. (literally: Even if it is the president, such conduct should not be allowed.
Whatever kind of problem it may be, please report it to me without fail.
No matter how inconvenient my commute is, I do not intend to move (literally: from our current house).
No matter how difficult the problem may be, he certainly should be able to solve it.
It is important to practice this every day, even if it is only for a few minutes.
His suggestions are worth listening to even if they cannot be carried out.
Some countries regulate the export and import of cryptographic technology, even when it is intended for short-term use.
Whatever kind it may be, if you make a living from it, there is no such thing as easy work.
Whatever the reason (for making copies) may be, when you duplicate copyrighted materials, you have to be careful not to infringe on the copyright.
In the army in those days, no matter how unreasonable the senior officers' commands, the soldiers under them had no choice but to obey them.


(i) Nounであれ
たとえ病気であれEven if someone is ill
であれNo matter who it may be
いかに弱いチームであれNo matter how weak a team it may be
いかに静かなアパートであれNo matter how quiet an apartment it may be
(ii) Adjective な stemであれ
たとえ可能であれEven if something is possible
いかに不便であれNo matter how inconvenient something may be