反面 (A. 107)

Example sentences

While cell phones are convenient, they are also sometimes annoying.
In this society, while the individual's will is respected, group unity is weak.
This job is interesting and pays well; on the other hand, being so busy, I hardly ever (literally: cannot) have time for myself and that is a problem.
Seafood is cheap and plentiful in variety here, and there are also fish that you cannot eat on the mainland. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables are expensive.
While this job is tough, it teaches me a lot.
While eating out is easy, it can lead to an unbalanced diet.
In this region, while the commercial, medical and cultural facilities are convenient to use, you cannot expect much in terms of the natural environment.
While American-style hotels provide functional rooms in relatively new buildings, they are somehow lacking in (good) atmosphere.
While polyester curtains do not shrink easily and are heat-resistant, they attract dirt easily because of static electricity.
This magnet has superb magnetic properties and excellent mechanical strength. On the other hand, it rusts easily and should not be used at high temperatures.
Idealism is wonderful in some ways; on the other hand, when it goes too far, it can cause problems.
When you use online services to search for a boyfriend or girlfriend, taking the active approach is quite effective in terms of meeting people. On the other hand, there is the danger that your personal information will be leaked.


(i) {V/Adjectiveい}Informal nonpast反面
~ができる反面While someone can do ~
厳しい反面While someone is strict
(ii) Adjective な stem {な/である}反面
便利{な/である}反面While something is convenient
(ii) Nounである反面
有利な投資である反面While something is a good investment