言うまでもない (A. 167)

Example sentences

It goes without saying that sushi is representative of Japanese cuisine.
That Japan has become the most rapidly aging society in the world goes without saying.
It goes without saying that the shrinking population of children will change Japanese society.
The set of fixed ideas that "Asians are poor,” "Being poor is pitiable,” and "We should provide development assistance,” is, needless to say, harmful.
The two met at a party, and right away they hit it off. I hardly need to mention that after that they went out on a date almost every day.
Needless to say, in an open network computing environment, it is important how quickly and effectively you back up the continually expanding network data.
Needless to say, students whose grades in college were superb do not always succeed in society.
It's obvious now, but global warming is having an adverse effect on the ecosystem.
Nahoko was not especially beautiful, but she had a smile for everybody and was always cheerful. Needless to say, people spontaneously gathered around her, and everybody at her office loved her.


(i) {V/Adjectiveい} informal+Nominalは言うまでもない
{買う/買った}{の/こと}は言うまでもないNeedless to say, someone will buy/bought something
つまらない{の/こと}は言うまでもないIt goes without saying that something is boring
つまらなかった{の/こと}は言うまでもないIt goes without saying that something was boring
(ii) Adjective な stem{な/である/だった/であった}+Nominalは言うまでもない
立派{な/である/だった/であった}{の/こと}は言うまでもないIt goes without saying that something is/was magnificent
(iii) Noun{な/である/だった/であった}のは言うまでもない
教授{な/である/だった/であった}のは言うまでもないIt goes without saying that someone is/was a professor
(iv) Noun{である/だった}ことは言うまでもない
天才{である/だった}ことは言うまでもないNeedless ot say, he is/was a genius
(v) 言うまで{なく/ない(ことだ)が}、Sentence。
言うまで{なく/ない(ことだ)が}、日本は島国だ。Needless to say, Japan is an island country