か否か (A. 182)

Example sentences

I cannot say (literally: guarantee) whether this software is useful or not.
In an election, the voter has to judge (literally: see through) whether or not a candidate is a politician of integrity.
Opinions differ as to whether we should allow a child to have a cell phone.
In the U.S., whether or not a professor is a foreigner is not a problem, but in Japan, it appears that it is frequently an issue.
When you search for a house, whether or not the area is safe is the most important point.
When I listen to classical music, I pay attention to whether or not it causes me to feel life rather than whether or not the melody is beautiful.
You should decide whether or not to take the entrance examination after reading the university's guidelines carefully.
The question of whether or not one should return love when one is loved is a silly one.
There are cases in which you can tell whether or not a suspect is the real culprit when you show him or her the dead body.


(i) {V/Adjectiveい} informalか否か
{来る/来た}か否かWhether or not someone will come/came
{面白い/面白かった}か否かWhether or not something is/was interesting
(ii) {Noun/Adjectiveな} stem{∅/である/だった/であった}か否か
学生{∅/である/だった/であった}か否かWhether or not someone is/was a student
元気{∅/である/だった/であった}か否かWhether or not someone is/was healthy
(iii) Vinformal nonpastべき(である) か否か
行くべき(である) か否かWhether or not someone should go there
学生であるべきか否かWhether or not someone should be a student
質素であるべきか否かWhether or not someone should be frugal