仮に (A. 201)

Example sentences

Supposing you received 100 million yen, what would you use it for?
Supposing that I had an income of 300,000 yen, I wonder what kind of an apartment I could rent.
If this were the current state of Japanese educational affairs, a lot would have to be restructured.
Even if the operation is successful, my father, who is quite old, will probably not regain his original health.
Supposing that you managed a business venture, what sort of approach would you take?
This is a common question, but supposing that you were going to live alone on a small island and were allowed to bring only one book, what would it be (literally: which book would you take there)?
If Japan ages at the current rate, in the latter half of the 21st century more than half of the Japanese population will be 65 or older.
If you go to Japan to study Japanese for about a year, your Japanese will make an impressive progress.
When you are waiting for the light, even if the car in front of you doesn't move ahead when it turns green, it's better not to honk.
Even if we limit the discussion to economic theory, I can safely say that all economic theories are, in the end, game theory.
If you sell it through a go-between, your profit, of course, will become smaller.


(i) 仮にSinformalと{したら/すれば}
仮に{話す/話した}と{したら/すれば}Supposing (that)/if someone talks/talked
仮に{高い/高かった}と{したら/すれば}Supposingg (that)/if something is/were expensive
仮にきれい{だ/だった}と{したら/すれば}Supposing (that)/if something/someone is/were beautiful
仮に先生{だ/だった}と{したら/すれば}Supposing (that)/if someone is/were a teacher
(ii) 仮にSinformal場合
仮に{話す/話した}場合Supposing (that)/if someone talks/talked
仮に{高い/高かった}場合Supposing (that)/if something is/were expensive
仮にきれい{だ/だった}場合Supposing (that) if something/someone is/were beautiful
仮に先生{だ/だった}場合Supposing that/if someone is/were a teacher
(iii) 仮にSinformalとして
仮に{話す/話した}としてSupposing (that) someone talked
仮に{高い/高かった}としてSupposing (that) something were expensive
仮にきれい{だ/だった}としてSupposing (that) something/someone were beautiful
仮に先生{だ/だった}としてSupposing (that) someone were a teacher
(iv) 仮にSinformal past ら
仮に話したらSupposing (that)/if someone talks/talked
仮に高かったらSupposing (that)/if something is/were expensive
仮にきれいだったらSupposing (that)/if something/someone is/were beautiful
仮に先生だったらSupposing (that)/if someone is/were a teacher
(v) 仮に~{Vて/Adjective いstemくて}も
{Adjective な stem/ Noun}でも
仮に話してもEven is someone talks/talked
仮に高くてもEven if something is/were expensive
仮にきれいでもEven if someone/something is/were beautiful
仮に先生でもEven if someone is/were a teacher
(vi) 仮にSinformalとしても
仮に{話す/話した}としてもEven if someone talks/talked
仮に{高い/高かった}としてもEven if something were expensvie
仮にきれい{だ/だった}としてもEven if someone/something were beautiful
仮に先生{だ/だった}としてもEven if someone were a teacher