且つ・かつ (A. 209)

Example sentences

Mr. Smith is fluent in Japanese and is also knowledgeable about Japanese history and culture.
This book is written in language that is easy to understand but also profound.
She is a first-class pianist, as well as a fine essayist.
We'd like to study foreign languages in an enjoyable yet effective way.
Being able to speak English and having experience in constructing websites are the conditions required for this job.
We will introduce you to jobs that not only pay well, but can be done at home, as long as you have a computer.
This figure shows how often senior citizens over 65 who cannot drive a car and do not share one with their family get out.
Please enjoy the youthful, powerful performance on the Japanese drums.
Our store has various kinds of training gear that are stylish yet simple in design.
We accept cancellations only within 24 hours of an order being placed and only when we receive notification via e-mail or fax by the person who has placed the order.
This job demands that you read a large volume of material both quickly and accurately.
At our company, when we handle personal information, we thoroughly observe the applicable laws and regulations, including the Personal Information Protection Law, and we manage the information properly and prudently.
The seller guarantees that the product does not use materials with defects or blemishes and that the product meets the specifications issued by the seller.


(i) {Vます/Vて}、且つ
飲み、且つSomeone drinks and
飲んで、且つSomeone drinks and
(ii) Vnegative ず、且つ
行かず、且つSomeone will not go and
(iii) Adjectiveいstemく(て)、且つ
面白く(て)、且つSomething is interesting and
(iv) Adjectiveなstem({で/であり/であって})、且つ
経済的({で/であり/であって})、且つSomething is economical and
(v) Nounで({あり/あって})、且つ
天才で({あり/あって})、且つSomeone is a genius and
(vi) {Adjectiveいstemく/Adjectiveなstemで(は)/Nounで(は)}なく、且つ
面白くなく、且つSomething is not interesting and
便利(で)はなく、且つSomething is not convenient and
英語(で)はなく、且つSomething is not English and
(vii) {Adjectiveいstemく/Adjectiveなstem(に)}且つ{Adjectiveいstemく/Adjectiveなstemに}
早く、且つ正確にQuickly and accurately
慎重(に)、且つ迅速にPrudently and rapidly
(viii) {Sentence/Phrase}1 こと、且つ{Sentence/Phrase}2 こと
日本人であること、且つ区内に居住することBeing a Japanese and living in the ward