(っ)きり (A. 219)

Example sentences

Mr. Yamashita hasn't returned to Japan even once since he left in 1964.
This is my last night (literally: the only night left) in Seoul.
I haven't seen her since we met in Paris more than 10 years ago and I have no idea how she's been doing since then.
My classmate, whom I hadn't seen since we left 6th grade, recognized me. I wonder if I look the same as I did in elementary school (literally: my face has not changed since my grade school days).
It's been a long time since I read Freud's books, so I've forgotten almost all of the content.
My father fell on a snowy day and broke his hip, and since then he's been lying in bed.
Is this all (literally: only this much)? Give me more, please.
Let's make this the last (literally: only) time we see each other.
The two parted 10 years ago and have never seen each other since.
You haven't heard anything from him since then?
Today is the last day (literally: the only day left) of summer vacation, isn't it?
I live alone with my mother.


(i) Vinformal past() きり
出た() きり(帰らない) (someone has never returned) since he left home
買った() きり(使わない) (someone has never used something) since he bought it
(ii) NounきりWhere Noun=noun of time
今日きりOnly today
今週きりOnly this week
今年きりOnly this year
(iii) Demonstrative Pronoun() きり
これ() きりOnly this much/only this time
それ() きり(only that much/only that time); since then
あれ() きり(only that much/only that time); since then
(iv) Number+Counter() きり
二人() きりOnly two (students, etc.)
三枚() きりOnly three (CDs, etc.)
四本() きりOnly four (pencils, etc.)