むしろ (A. 295)

Example sentences

During summer vacation I would rather travel abroad than work part-time.
I prefer sashimi rather than sushi.
He is a man of effort rather than a man of great talent.
I would rather die than lead a good-for-nothing life.
I like reading English rather than speaking it.
When you have the time, you can sightsee much better if you walk rather than ride a sightseeing bus.
On a holiday it is better to watch TV or something at home rather than go to a crowded tourist spot.
I think that the action of finding a vein and injecting it accurately can be done with less failures if we use a computer and a robot rather than human hands.
I choose fish instead of meat for health reasons.
This year it was colder in March instead of February.
The reason why they were suddenly able to join the group of very rich people may be that good fortune was on their side rather than talent (literally: their talents).
Seattle is in the U.S. but, unlike other big cities, it is a small city with an atmosphere more like Canada than the U.S.
This summer Hokkaido was cold instead of just comfortably cool.
Due to the heavy rain the previous week, the (literally: water of the) Danube was brownish rather than blue.
Instead of attending such a boring lecture, I would rather be reading books in my dorm.
If someone is going to be nice and then dump me, I would rather he just not be nice from the very start.


(i) V1informal nonpastより({は/も}) むしろV2informal nonpast (方が~)
外に行くより(は) むしろ家でテレビを見る方がいい。I would rather watch TV at home than go outside
(ii) Noun1より({は/も}) むしろNoun2(の方)が~
コーヒーより(は) むしろ紅茶(の方)が好きだ。I like black tea rather than coffee
(iii) {V/Adjectiveい}informalというより({は/も}) むしろ
{食べる/食べた}というより(は) むしろ{飲み込む/飲み込んだ}。He swallows/swallowed rather than eats/ate
{涼しい/涼しかった}というより(は) むしろ{寒い/寒かった}。It is/was cold rather than cool
(iv) {Adjectiveなstem/Noun}{∅/だ/である/だった/であった}というより({は/も}) むしろ
丁寧{∅/だ/である/だった/であった}というより(は) むしろばか丁寧{だ/だった}。Something is/was overly polite rather than polite
先生{∅/だ/である/だった/であった}というより(は) むしろビジネスマン{だ/だった}。Someone is/was a businessman rather than a teacher
(v) V1informal nonpast{ぐらい/くらい/の/ん}{なら/だったら}むしろ
仕事を辞める{ぐらい/くらい/の/ん}{なら/だったら}むしろ死んでしまいたいI would rather die than quit my job