ないまでも (A. 305)

Example sentences

Although you may not be able to call this public performance a great success, it produced results of a sort.
Although he hasn't published many papers at all, the quality (of those he has published) is extremely high.
We may not be able to say, “This is what life is,” but we should come to a point where we can say, “At least this is what it isn't.”
The sculpture may not be called a perfect work, but it is (literally: was) a work that makes you feel unusual potential.
I can't go so far as to call this wording deceptive, but it sure is misleading.
If it were written in Chinese I could get a sense of what it's saying because of the characters, even though I cannot read it, but I cannot make heads or tails of Korean.
The Internet is not perfect, but it does have various possibilities as a medium for lifelong learning and/or teaching.
We may not be able to turn back Fate, but we can make it our friend.
I believe most Japanese, even though they may not have read the original Tale of Genji, know the basic plot of the story.
Although the weather may not be good, the temperature will not drop much.
He may not be an honest person, but he isn't a liar.


(i) Vnegativeないまでも
行かないまでもSomeone may not go there, but
ないまでもSomeone may not do something, but
(ii) Adjectiveいstemくないまでも
よくないまでもSomething may not be good, but
(iii) {Adjectiveなstem/ Noun}{では/じゃ}ないまでも
元気{では/じゃ}ないまでもSomeone may not be peppy/healthy, but
病気{では/じゃ}ないまでもSomeone may not be ill, but