なまじ(っか) (A. 318)

Example sentences

Because I know a little English, the office treasures me, which is causing me problems.
People disdain those who show off (their scant knowledge) but are uneducated (literally: have inadequate scholarship).
You'd better not get involved in politics half-heartedly.
I think it'll be quicker to do it by myself than for someone to help me in a half-hearted way.
Because he has only a little self-confidence, he experiences a horrible sense of failure when something doesn't work out.
I think that we turn into the worst people with just a bit of wealth.
When you acquire a bit of an eye for anime, you discover that not every work lives up to what it's supposed to be.
I think that a person who knows nothing can feel “the joy of discovery (literally: of knowing what he doesn't know)” more than someone who knows a little bit.
If a person is somewhat bright, it is more difficult for him to work cooperatively in an organization.
If you are on the healthy side, you are apt to overexert yourself.
If the body hasn't developed healthily, then superficial beauty is but a hollow thing.
A battery-operated buzzer is more effective when you are attacked than an ordinary weapon and, in addition, it is more cost effective.
The truth as told by someone who experienced it moves us more deeply than a mediocre novel.
Doing a little exercise wasn't good, because I used it as my excuse for eating more than I used to.


(i) なまじ(っか) ~Conjunction
なまじ(っか)できるからBecause someone can do something (a little)
なまじ(っか)安いためにBecause something is (somewhat) cheap
なまじ(っか)美人なだけにBecause she is (sort of) a beauty
なまじ(っか)元気なのでBecause someone is (sort of) healthy
なまじ(っか)でき{たら /ると}If someone can do something (a little)
なまじ(っか){安かったら/安いと}If something is (somewhat) cheap
なまじ(っか)美人だ{ったら /と}If she is (sort of) a beauty
なまじ(っか)元気だ{ったら /と}If someone is (basically) healthy
(ii) なまじ(っか) {の/な}Noun
なまじ(っか){の/な}努力Halfthearted efforts
なまじ(っか){の/な}勉強Halfhearted study
(iii) なまじ(っか) ~Vinformal nonpastのは~
なまじ(っか)投資をするのは危ない。It’s dangerous to invest halfheartedly