にひきかえ (A. 380)

Example sentences

The son, in contrast to his meticulous father, was slovenly.
While the quality of education at this college is excellent, the quality of the campus facilities is inferior.
In contrast to yesterday, this morning is perfectly clear.
My older sister is the type who's steady in any situation, while my younger sister is the free-wheeling type.
The last year was an enjoyable year, whereas this year has been a year of trials for all sorts of reasons.
In France in the 16th century, the nobility ate extravagantly while the common people ate very poorly.
“Country A is doing this really fabulous thing. In contrast, Japan is completely useless.” We have been hearing this kind of statement (continuously) for a long time.
Names such as Harvard and MIT are well-known in Japan while, regrettably, the name (of the school) where I am teaching, Princeton, is hardly known.
Although the EU's economic problems have been frequently debated, its cultural issues have hardly been discussed.
While this apartment is very close to the station and convenient, the room is small and the rent is high.
They say that while it is difficult to enter a Japanese university, it is easy to graduate.


(i) {Noun/Demonstrative pronoun}にひきかえ
健康な母にひきかえIn contrast to my healthy mother
{これ/それ}にひきかえIn contrast to this/that
(ii) {V/Adjectiveい} informalにひきかえ
勉強がよくできるのにひきかえSomeone is academically gifted, while ~
部屋が広いのにひきかえThe room is spacious, while ~
(iii) {Adjectiveなstem/ Noun}{な/だった}のにひきかえ
便利なのにひきかえSomething is convenient, while ~
父は大学教授だったのにひきかえMy father was a college professor, while ~