にかかわらず・に関/拘/係わらず (A. 386)

Example sentences

At this company, employees are (literally: you can be) promoted equally, regardless of sex.
Whether or not you will attend, please inform us (of your intention) using the enclosed postcard.
We have to pay the rental fee whether we use it or not.
We plan to advance the research on this product, whether it can be commercialized or not.
We will send you our product catalogue whether or not you are a member.
We recommend that you consult your doctor whether or not you have symptoms.
Company A has decided to begin marketing in Japan regardless of the market research results.
I think this information is useful whatever language you may study.
Anyone, regardless of sex or age, can enjoy this online game.
In Japan, when a foreigner speaks Japanese, whether they are actually good or bad, people will praise them, saying, “You speak Japanese well.”
Whether or not I actually go to Australia, I'm thinking of taking some time off.
We are going to continue this project, whether we are given a grant or not.
(The books in) University libraries are usually available (to anyone), whether or not the user is a student, faculty member or staff member of the university.
I'd like people to recognize that whether or not there is a regulation, smoking in public spaces is clearly unacceptable behaviour (literally: a violation of manners).
No group or individual is allowed to reproduce or redistribute the images found here, regardless of the intent or reason.
The author of this (software) product and (literally: any of) those involved in its production and distribution bear no responsibility for damage resulting from its use or the inability to use it, whether the damage is direct or indirect, or inevitable or accidental.


(i) Nounに関わらず
学生数に関わらずRegardless of the number of students
(ii) XかYかに関わらずY contrasts with X or is the negative form of X
英語か日本語かに関わらずWhether something is English or Japanese
多いか少ないかに関わらずWhether there are many or few
便利か不便かに関わらずWhether something is convenient or inconvenient
できるかできないかに関わらずWhether someone can do something or not
(iii) XYに関わらずY contrasts with X or is the negative form of X
遅刻欠席に関わらずWhether someone was late or absent
上手下手に関わらずWhether someone is skillful of unskillful
上手上手でないに関わらずWhether or not someone is skillful
うまい下手に関わらずWhether someone is good or poor at something
うまいうまくないに関わらずWhethere someone is good at something or not
行く行かないに関わらずWhether or not someone goes
(iv) Sinformalか{どうか/否か}に関わらずだ after Adjectiveなstem and Noun is omitted
できるか{どうか/否か}に関わらずWhether or not someone can do something
多いか{どうか/否か}に関わらずWhether or not there are many of something
便利か{どうか/否か}に関わらずWhether or not something is convenient
現実か{どうか/否か}に関わらずWhether or not something is a reality
(v) {Noun/Adjectiveなstem}であるなしに関わらず
国産品であるなしに関わらずWhether or not something is a domestic product
経済的であるなしに関わらずWhether or not something is economical
(vi) Nounのあるなしに関わらず
経験のあるなしに関わらずWhether or not someone has experience
(vii) Nounのいかんに関わらず
国籍のいかんに関わらずRegardless of nationality
(viii) Wh-sentence informalかに関わらず
どこで使用するかに関わらずWherever something may be used