をものともせず (A. 493)

Example sentences

Despite severe physical handicaps, she took charge of her own life.
Undaunted by his inability to speak Japanese, he travelled around Japan communicating with gestures and signs.
Overcoming high waves, my friend swam (all of) four kilometres.
In spite of the time difference, my child changed to her swimming suit right away and went to Waikiki Beach.
At the time of the high-rise fire, firemen ran up the stairs of the building in spite of the danger.
The people continued their demonstrations in defiance of the military government's oppression.
Ignoring criticism from the people around her, she proceeded on the path she believed in.
The high school students were practicing baseball in spite of the heavy rain (literally: in spite of the fact that it was raining hard).
Despite the fact that it took Misako two hours each way, she commuted (every day) to a securities company in Tokyo.


(i) Nounをものともせず
失敗をものともせずIn spite of the failure
(ii) Sinformalのをものともせずだ after Adjectiveなstem and Noun changes to な
非難されたのをものともせずIn spite of the fact that someone was criticised
頭が痛いのをものともせずIn spite of the fact that someone has a headache
場所が不便{な/である}のをものともせずIn spite of the fact that the location is inconvenient
夫が病気{な/である}のをものともせずIn spite of the fact that someone’s husband is ill