さも (A. 534)

Example sentences

Koji drank the cold coffee with a look that showed how bad it tasted.
Furuta talks as if he suffered alone, but the truth of the matter is that he just complained and didn't do any work.
Let's take him to the hospital right now. If we don't, it's going to be too late.
The person in charge listened to my complaint with an expression that revealed it was truly bothersome.
She acts as if she were truly busy, but really she doesn't have anything significant to work on.
The children are listening to the lecture looking really bored.
Kawamura always tells that story as if it were his own experience, but actually I told it to him.
The division chief ordered me to come to the office on Sunday as if it were a matter of course.
When I read the operation manual, it sounds like the program is really easy to use, but I wonder if that's really true.
The man approached me as if he knew me very well.
Toda's way of talking (literally: That way Toda has of talking), as if he knew everything about wine, is truly offensive.


(i) さも{Adjective(い/な)stem/Vます}そう{に/な}
さも嬉しそうにLooking really happy; as if someone were happy
さも嬉しそうな顔A face that shows someone is truly happy; the face of someone who is truly happy
さも不自由そうにAs if someone really had trouble moving
さも不自由そう歩き方A way of walking that shows someone really has trouble walking; a walk that looks as if someone has trouble moving easily
さも誰にでもできそうにAs if anyone could do (it)
さも誰にでもできそうな説明Instructions that sound as if anyone could do (it)
(ii) さも{V/Adjectiveい}informalよう{に/な}
さも自分ができるようにAs if someone were capable
さも自分ができるような話し方A way of talking that sounds as if someone were capable
さも自分が偉いようにAs if someone were great
さも自分が偉いような話し方A way of talking that sounds as if someone were great
(iii) さもAdjectiveなstem{な/だった}よう{に/な}
さも自分が上手なようにAs if someone were good at something
さも自分が上手なような話し方A way of talking that sounds as if someone were good at something
(iv) さもNoun{の/だった}よう{に/な}
さも自分が専門家のようにAs if someone were an expert
さも自分が専門家のような話し方A way of talking that sounds as if someone were an expert
(v) さも{V/Adjectiveい}informalみたい{に/な}
さも自分ができるみたいにAs if someone were capable
さも自分ができるみたいな話し方A way of talking that sounds as if someone were capable
さも自分が偉いみたいにAs if someone were great
さも自分が偉いみたいな話し方A way of talking that sounds as if someone were great
(vi) さも{Adjectiveなstem/Noun}{∅/だった}みたい{に/な}
さも自分が上手みたいにAs if someone were good at something
さも自分が上手みたい話し方A way of talking that sounds as if someone were good at something
さも自分が専門家みたいにAs if someone were an expert
さも自分が専門家みたいな話し方A way of talking that sounds as if someone were an expert