Example sentences
(i) たかが | Nounだ | |
たかが子供だ | Someone is only a child | |
(ii) たかが | {Noun/Number(+Counter)} (くらい){と/で} | |
たかがレポート(くらい)と | Thinking/saying that it’s only a report | |
たかがレポート(くらい)で | Over just a report | |
たかが二人(くらい)と | Thinking/saying that (there are only) two people | |
たかが二人(くらい)で | With just two people | |
(iii) たかが~ | {V/Adjectiveい}informal くらい (のこと)で | |
たかが英語が{できる/できた}くらい (のこと)で | Just because someone can/could speak English; just for (things like) being able to speak English | |
たかが成績{悪い/悪かった}くらい (のこと)で | Just because someone’s performance is/was poor; just for (things like) someone’s poor performance | |
(iv) たかが~ | Adjectiveなstem{な/だった} くらい (のこと)で | |
たかが料理が下手{な/だった} くらい (のこと)で | Just because someone is/was bad a cooking; just for (something like) being a poor cook |