とあって (A. 612)

Example sentences

Because this is the series of holidays after the bonus season, (not surprisingly) all the tourist spots are crowded.
Summer vacation has begun, so the children all look happy.
Because this is the match between the teams competing for the championship, the stadium is packed beyond capacity.
Because it was the autograph session for a popular writer, people (who wanted his autograph) made a long line at the bookstore.
Because the deadline for the paper is the day after tomorrow, the students are all panicking.
Because they know they'll get sweets after they finish cleaning, the children are doing their very best to help out.
Because slapdash training does not help students function in the real world, the teaching at this language institution is very strict.
Because this program for professionals not only allows students to audit courses cheaply but lets them use study rooms and the library freely, we receive quite a few applications.


(i) NPとあって
病気とあってBecause someone is ill
(ii) Sinformalとあってだ after Adjectiveなstem and Noun is omitted
韓国語ができるとあってBecause someone can speak Korean
タクシーの方が安いとあってBecause a taxi is cheaper
ノートパソコンの方が便利とあってBecause a laptop computer is more convenient
父親が医者とあってBecause someone’s father is a doctor