といえども (A. 624)

Example sentences

Even doctors sometimes become ill. (literally: Even though we call them doctors, there are times when they become ill.)
Any master sometimes makes a mistake. (literally: No matter what kind of master he/she may be called, he/she sometimes makes a mistake.)
Even though I live in Tokyo (literally: Even though I say I live in Tokyo), there are many sightseeing spots in Tokyo that I don't know.
In simultaneous translation, you cannot lose your concentration even for a moment.
In the field of science and technology, even group research is greatly dependent on individuals (coming up with) new ways of thinking.
No matter what kind of automatic translation machine (you use), getting a natural-sounding translation solely from a machine is difficult.
Close, but not quite. (literally: Although it is not exactly right, it is not far off.)
Even though the world is a big place, nowhere else are there as many used book stores concentrated in one place as there are in Kanda, Tokyo.
Although his strength has faded, he still maintains (levels of) concentration and stamina comparable to younger players.
Although I've lived in Japan for a long time, I constantly encounter language problems.
Although she has God-given talents, she couldn't be what she is now without her unceasing effort and training.


(i) Nounといえども
先生といえどもEven teachers
(ii) {いかなる/どんな}Nounといえども
{いかなる/どんな}技術といえどもAny technology; no matter what kind of technology it may be
(iii) Sinformalといえどもだ after Adjectiveなstem and Noun is often omitted
しっかり準備はしているといえどもEven though I’m well prepared
備えは万全(だ) といえどもAlthough the preparation is perfect