といったところだ (A. 633)

Example sentences

I'd say the searing heat levelled off in September.
I'd say that this is more of a (small) hill than a mountain.
I'd say that the space in the hotel room was so-so.
Together, the number of undergraduates and graduates at this college is about 6,000.
I'd say that the Yankees and the Red Sox are even.
With only one year of experience, I'd say I have a long way to go before people call me a library expert.
“Sorry” in English is more of an apology than the Japanese “sumimasen.” I would say that it corresponds to “gomennasai” or “moushiwake arimasen.”
If I were to describe the personality of this novel's main character in short (literally: in a word), I would say he is very hard on himself but very kind to others.


(i) {V/Adjectiveい}informalといったところだ
やっと終わったといったところだI’d say that it’s finally over
良くもなく悪くもないといったところだI’d say that it is neither good nor bad
(ii) {Noun/Adjectiveなstem}といったところだ
典型的な日本人といったところだI’d say that he/she is a typical Japanese
不健康といったところだI’d say that someone is unhealthy
(iii) {Adverb/Interjection}といったところだ
もうちょっとといったところだI’d say that it will be done very soon
まあまあといったところだI’d say that something is so-so