とは言え (A. 664)

Example sentences

Although it is summer, it is still cool here—almost to the extent that it can be called a little chilly.
(i) Even admitting that Jane didn't have much time, I don't believe that she couldn't write a (simple) report like this. (ii) Although Jane says that she didn't have much time (or you say that Jane didn't have much time), I don't believe that she couldn't write a (simple) report like this.
I'm looking forward to the next academic conference. That being said, I haven't prepared for my presentation at all yet.
Although this was done by a child, it practically amounts to a crime.
Although it was the response I'd expected, it really did shock me to hear it.
Although it is a laptop, it is an excellent machine, with a 17-inch display, a 2.4GHz processor, a voluminous 250GB internal drive and a DVD/CD-RW combo drive.
Although I say (it is) reasonable, it is an upscale condominium in the city. It's not something ordinary people can easily afford.
No matter how temporary these measures are supposed to be, this is just too slipshod.
Even though I cannot move because of my injury, I can still think.
Although I say I run every day, it's just one kilometre of jogging, so I don't get much exercise.
Although I've retired, I have lots of things to do every day, which keeps me busy.
Fuel cells will probably become a major source of energy in the future, replacing fossil fuels. Having said that, many technical problems (with this technology) remain to be solved.


(i) Sinformalとは言えだ after Adjectiveなstem and Noun is omitted
{知らない/知らなかった}とは言えAlthough someone doesn’t/didn’t know
{寒い/寒かった}とは言えAlthough it is/was cold
不便{∅/だった}とは言えAlthough something is/was inconvenient
子供{∅/だった}とは言えAlthough someone is/was a child
(ii) Sentence1。とは言えSentence2。