より・のほか(に)(は)~ない (A. 734)

Example sentences

Since there is no public transportation, we have no other choice but to go there in your/my car.
I read nothing but the New York Times. (literally: I don't read any newspaper other than the New York Times.)
Because I lost my part-time job, I had no choice but to borrow money from my parents.
I can only speculate as to why my friend was acting crazy.
Since the train is stopped due to a signal problem we have no choice but to wait.
A person who wants to be internationally active will have no choice but to learn English.
In order to restore order, there is no other choice than to take ruthless means, directly demonstrating the power of our authority.
The fact that Mozart composed more than 600 pieces during his life of thirty-five years is simply amazing (literally: leaves us no other choice than to be surprised).
Nobody but Einstein fits the stereotypical image of a scientist.
All but a few of the attendees of the academic conference were total strangers.


(i) Vinformal nonpast(より) はか()() ない
買う(より) はか()() ないThere is no other choice but to buy something
(ii) Noun{より/}はか() Vnegativeない
アメリカ映画{より/}はか() ないI see nothing but American movies
日本食は寿司{より/}はか() 食べないI don’t eat any Japanese food other than sushi