故に・ゆえに (A. 745)

Example sentences

Because of her good looks, she also has many things to worry about.
Because you want the end result to be perfect, you end up being distracted by little things.
This is an extremely delicate problem; therefore, we must handle it very carefully.
His mind was strengthened because of his serious illness.
Electronic texts are easy to revise and present to the public, but because of these characteristics, it is difficult to trace publicly-displayed electronic texts back to their original data.
Because cell phones are convenient, we have to be careful not to use them incorrectly.
Mountains are not sacred just because they are tall.
Because the Japanese archipelago extends north and south, the temperature difference (within Japan) is great.
In the United States even now there are cases in which someone is discriminated against because he or she is black.
I think, therefore I am. -Descartes
People will certainly make mistakes; therefore, we need to think of countermeasures based on that assumption.
Haiku use a bare minimum of words. Therefore, one has to imagine what is not expressed.


(i) {Noun(の)/Adjectiveなstem(な)}()
天才(の)() Become someone is a genius
便利(な) () Because something is convenient
(ii)Sinformal(が) () だ after Adjectiveなstem and Noun omitted
{間違いを/犯す/犯した}(が) () Because someone commits/commited an error
{美しい/美しかった}(が) () Because someone/something is/was beautiful
便利{である/だった/であった}(が) () Because something is/was convenient
天才{である/だった/であった}(が) () Because someone is/was a genius
(iii) Sentence1(それ(が)/その) 故に、Sentence2。
この議論は前提がおかしい。(それ(が)/その) 故に、結論も間違っているThis argument is based on a wrong premise. Therefore, the conclusion is also wrong