ことになる (I. 140)

Example sentences

Asking more than this will cause him to suffer too much.
If we don't do this now, we will end up with an awful situation later.
If we cannot have this draft cashed, our company will end up in bankruptcy.
Ending up with such a result means that there was something wrong with our preparation.
The fact that nothing happened this time means that the system is alright (literally: the situation is alright with this system).
If you don't work now, you'll end up with a terrible situation when you take the exam.
If I / you do such a thing, I / you will end up not being able to appear in public again.
If Company A donates one million yen, the total sum will become (literally: end up with) ten million yen.
If everything goes well, (it means that) I will graduate next year.
That the postcard came back means that he doesn't live at this address any longer.
That this costs 2,000 yen a kilo means that this is more expensive.


(i) Vinformal nonpast ことになる  
  行くことになる End up going; lead someone to go
(ii) Adjective い informal nonpast ことになる  
  難しいことになる End up with a difficult situation
(iii) Adjective な stem なことになる  
  大変なことになる End up with an awful situation
(iv) Noun ということになる  
  失敗ということになる End up with a failure; come to mean that something is a failure
(v) Sinformal ことになる Exceptions: Adjective な stem だ→Adjective な stem or formation (vi); Nounだ→Nounである or formation (iv) or (vi)
  間違っていたことになる Come to mean that something was wrong
  大丈夫なことになる Come to mean that something is alright
  外国人であることになる Come to mean that someone is a foreigner
(vi) Sinformal ということになる  
  大丈夫だということになる Come to mean that something is alright