ことによる (I. 143)

Example sentences

The failure this time is the result of insufficient discussion beforehand (literally: due to the fact that the preceding discussion was insufficient).
Susumu's delinquency was caused by his parents' lack of affection. (literally: The fact that Susumu ran to juvenile delinquency is because his parents were not affectionate enough with him.
His present success is due to the fact that he worked hard every day (literally: did not neglect daily effort).
Their divorce was caused by the fact that their value systems were very different.
His loss is due to the fact that he tried to win quickly.
That his talent was developed to this degree is due to the fact that he studied with Mr. Suzuki.


Sinformal ことによる Exceptions: Adjective な stem なことによる; Noun であることによる
  家賃が高いことによる Because the rent is expensive
  表現が不正確なことによる Because the expression is inaccurate
  母が日本人であることによる Because one’s mother is Japanese