に反して/反する (I. 241)

Example sentences

Contrary to the majority's expectations, an unknown runner won the Tokyo International Marathon this year.
In our company, in contrast to the increase in sales of TV sets, the sales in audio products are decreasing.
S1: It is said that to enter good universities in Japan is difficult but to graduate from them is easy. S2: In contrast to this, in America even good universities are relatively easy to enter, but students must study quite hard to graduate from them.
Taeko was forced to marry. (literally: A marriage which was against Taeko's will was forced upon her.)
Contrary to his parents' wishes, Hiroshi became a chef after finishing high school.
He was forced to accept a bribe. (literally: He received a bribe against his will.)
Your business will be suspended for one month if you work your employees in violation of these rules.
In Okumura's family, whereas the husband is quite, the wife is very talkative.
The principle consideration of elementary education in Japan is to provide students with knowledge. In America, in contrast (to this), emphasis is put on increasing students' creativity and individual talents.
The election this time ended up with results which were against the general prediction.


(i) Nounに反して
予想に反してContrary to expectation
(ii) Sinformalのに反してConnection rules: the same as のだ
よく勉強するのに反してIn contrast to the fact that someone studies hard
(iii) Demonstrative Pronounに反して
これに反してIn contrast to this
(iv) Nounに反するNoun
予想に反する結果A result which is contrary to someone’s expectation