それも (I. 425)

Example sentences

Because he spoke (literally: I was talked to) in English, and what's worse, rapidly, I didn't understand anything.
She always does her shopping at shops in Ginza, and moreover, at first-class ones.
Because she has as many as five children, and moreover, they are all very mischievous boys, Mrs. Noguchi is extremely busy every day.
He paid on the spot, and what's more, in cash.
I ran in midwinter, and what's more, barefooted.
The bank built their headquarters building in central Tokyo, and moreover, on the best spot, in front of Tokyo Station.
She was seen by a magazine reporter, and what's worse, a reporter from a gossip magazine.
I was asked to translate a letter when I was busy at the end of the semester, and what's worse, just before the deadline for my term paper.
Because it was one hundred thousand yen in coins, and what's worse, (they were) all ten-yen coins, it was terribly heavy.


(i) AdverbPhrase1それもAdverbPhrase2(Verbal)
日本語で、それもくずし字で書いてあるIt is written in Japanese, and what’s worse, in flowing style
(ii) AP1それもAP2(Noun)
ダイヤ(の)、それも二カラットのダイヤの指輪だIt is a diamond ring, and a 2-karat diamond ring at that
(iii) Clause1それもClause2
新築で、それも駅から五分という便利な所にあるIt is newly built, and on top of that, it is conveniently located five minutes from the station