それに (I. 427)

Example sentences

The "morning set" here includes coffee and some toast; in addition, there is a boiled egg (literally: it is accompanied by a boiled egg).
Even if we bought a car, there would be no place to park it, and moreover, there would be few occasions to use it
I make it a rule not to discuss business at home. In addition, I'm very tired this evening, so could we discuss it tomorrow?
My family consists of my wife and me, and two children, and in addition, (there are) a cat and a dog.
We are thinking of going back to Japan because there are no good jobs here, and what's more, my child wants to go to a Japanese school.
Even if we bought a piano, no one would play it, and moreover, there would be no place to put it because our place is small.
This apartment is light and clean. Furthermore, the rent is reasonable.
Unlike the old days, we can easily talk with people over the phone these days no matter where they are. Moreover, if we use a TV telephone, we can talk with someone while watching his or her face.


(i) Noun1{と/に/、}Noun2{と/に/、}それにNoun
テレビ、ステレオ、それにビデオカメラA TV set, a stereo, and, in addition a videocamera
(ii) Sentence1しそれにSentence2
その仕事はうまらないし、それに給料が悪いThe job is boring, and what’s worse, the pay is bad
(iii) Sentence1それに、Sentence2
その老人は体が不自由だ。それに、耳が遠いThe old man is disabled. Furthermore, he is hard of hearing