と言っても (I. 474)

Example sentences

I have a child. Well, although I said, "child," he is already a college student (literally: he is already a college student, though).
A: You are busy every day, aren't you? B: No, although people may say that I'm busy, I do not work on weekends, so . . .
It's already March. But even though I say, "March," it is still cold around here.
Professor Yamazaki is still young. Of course, even though I said, "young," he is in his fifties (literally: he is in his fifties, though)
I've found a job. Well, although I said, "job", it is part-time (literally: it is a part-time job, though).
A: 韓国語をご存知なんでしょう?B:いや、知っていると言っても二年勉強しただけですから大したことはありません。
A: You know Korean, right? B: No, even though people say that I know it, my knowledge is limited because I studied it only two years.
A:辻村さんが手伝ってくれるそうですよ。B: でも、手伝ってくれると言ってもせいぜい二、三時間でしょう。
A: I heard that Mr. Tsujimura will help us. B: But, even though he says that he will help us, it will probably be for a couple of hours at most.
A: あの子は強いですよ。B: いや、強いと言ってもたかが小学生ですよ。
A: That boy is strong, you know. B: Well, even though you say he is strong, he is only an elementary school kid.


(i) Nounと言っても
先生と言ってもAlthough (I) say, “teacher”
(ii) {V/Adjective(い/な)/Noun+Copula}informalと言っても
{行く/行った}と言ってもAlthough (I) say that someone {will go/went}
{安い/安かった}と言ってもAlthough (I) say that it is/was cheap
{静か/静かだった}と言ってもAlthough (I) say that it is/was quiet
{病気だ/病気だった}と言ってもAlthough (I) say that someone is/was ill