わけだ (I. 570)

Example sentences

As you know, we lost our leader with Professor Fukuda's death. From now on we have to advance this group by ourselves.
War is accompanied by great sacrifice, as you know, and we have to avoid it at any cost.
Today, even children know that the earth is round, but the truth of the matter is that before Columbus everybody thought that it was flat.
Unfortunately, the negotiation this time, as you know, ended up with a result like this, but we are planning to keep negotiating from now on, too.
We have incorporated a lot of technology into our everyday life, as you know, but whether or not all of it has brought us happiness is questionable.
I've been doing research on animal communication, as you know, and various interesting facts have become known from this research.
As you know, whatever you do, whether or not you have built a firm foundation for that is a key to your progress, and in fact, you can say the same thing about foreign language study.
Babies, themselves, do not talk, but the truth of the matter is that they are learning language when they are spoken to.
We would be in trouble immediately if computers were taken away from us now, but the fact is that we were getting by without them a decade ago.


(i) {V/Adjective い}わけだ
{話す/話した}わけだSomeone will talk/talked, as you know
{高い/高かった}わけだSomething is/was expensive, as you know
(ii) Adjective な stem{/だった}わけだ
{静か/静かだった}わけだSomething is/was quiet, as you know
(iii) Noun{である/だった (or であった)}わけだ
彼の責任{である/だった (or であった)}わけだSomething is/was his responsibility, as you know