わけではない (I. 574)

Example sentences

It is very difficult to solve this problem. But that does not mean that it is impossible (to solve).
I don't mean to oppose your idea, but I wonder if things will go well using that approach.
Obtaining a good result is not enough. (literally: It is not that it is all right if just the result is good.)
I do not eat much these days, but it doesn't mean that I have no appetite.
I haven't written a book for the last few years, but it doesn't mean that I am in a slump.
It's been decided that this project is going to be stopped because of a lack of funds. However, it doesn't mean that what we have done up to now is going to be a total waste.
Although I say that I cannot speak Japanese, it doesn't mean that I cannot speak it at all.
I don't mean that I don't understand what you are saying, but I think you'd better give up this plan after all.
I don't mean that there is no hope, but you'd better not expect too much.
I don't mean that I don't like him, but I do not want to marry him.
Doing only what you are told to do is just not enough.
A: Can't this patient be saved (literally: at all)? B: No, it is not that he can't be saved.


(i) {V/Adjective い}informal(という) わけではない
{分かる/分かった}(という) わけではないIt does mean that someone understands/understood something
{悪い/悪かった}(という) わけではないIt does not mean that someone is/was bad
(ii) Adjective な stem{/だった}わけではない
{駄目/駄目だった}わけではないIt does not mean that something is/was no good
(iii) Adjective な stem{/だった}というわけではない
{駄目()/だった}というわけではないIt does not mean that something is/was no good
(iv) Nounだったわけではない
失敗だったわけではないIt does not mean that something was a failure
(v) Noun{()/だった}というわけではない
{失敗()/だった}というわけではないIt does not mean that something is/was a failure