あげく(に) (A. 7)

Example sentences

After thinking for a long time, I decided to go on to graduate school.
Her divorce was a decision she made after agonizing for several years.
I quit the company where I first worked after thinking very hard (about what to do).
He dated women from various countries in Asia, Europe and North America, but in the end he spent his entire life single.
Saying "I like this one" or "I like that one," my wife tried on all sorts of shoes, but after all that, she left the store without buying any of them.
After using my car for a whole month, Yamada didn't even say a word of thanks when he returned it.
After weighing my options for a long time, I finally decided to take a one-year leave from my company to study abroad in the U.S.
After falling in love with a married man, her own life was in ruins.
I couldn't decide which television I should buy, so (in the end) I went home without buying any.
It must have been after really agonizing that he committed suicide.
There are some free Internet services that require at the time of registration your address, name, telephone number, date of birth, and at the end, all sorts of personal information such as educational background, annual income and family size, etc.


(i) Vinformal pastあげく(に)  
 話したあげく(に) After someone talked
(ii) Vinformal pastあげくのNoun 
 考えたあげくの決断 A decision made after deliberation