べく (A. 32)

Example sentences

At this university, preparation is under way for changing (the current system) to a semester system.
K Company plans to execute large-scale restructuring in order to reduce personnel expenses.
We (literally: our company) have installed the newest facilities so that we can quickly respond to our customers' various needs.
I am a mother of two children and am currently studying to start my own practice as a foot therapist (literally: to become independent as a foot therapist).
We (literally: our university) provide scholarships to give educational opportunities to excellent students from overseas who cannot go on to higher education for financial reasons.
We have re-examined our internal systems so that we can rapidly respond to major accidents in a manner that gives highest priority to customer safety.
In order to engage in management innovation that is more advanced, it is important to remove redundancy in management systems so that we can eliminate unnecessary operations.


Vinformal nonpastべくException: する→{す/する}べく
話すべくIn order to talk (to someone)
勉強す(る) べくIn order to study