べくもない (A. 34)

Example sentences

It is impossible for me to hope to buy a hundred million yen house.
There is no way for me to know the whereabouts of the woman I split up with 10 years ago.
In the post-war era, one could not even hope to make a trip abroad.
On the first day, it was impossible to view the summit because of rain, but on the following day, the weather was perfect, and the mountain was shining silvery white. It was sublimely beautiful.
A weak team like ours simply cannot be expected to beat Team T, one of the competitors for the championship.
The incident occurred when I was traveling abroad, so there was no way for me to know about it.
Lately I've been so busy that it is impossible to find (literally: to expect to have) time to read books.


Vinformal nonpastべくもないする→{す/する}べくもない
勝つべくもないIt is impossible to win
否定す(る) べくもないIt is impossible to deny