でも・じゃあるまいし (A. 74)

Example sentences

You are not a kindergarten pupil. Go to school by yourself.
There's no way you can get to France. How come you're studying French so hard?
You are not a student; why don't you look for a job or something?
You aren't a politician. Don't tell a lie.
You aren't a dog, you know. Stop being so playful with me.
It's not a funeral service. Don't be depressingly quiet!
When I went inside an English language school there, a Japanese girl said to me in English, “If you have anything you don't understand, ask me.” It wasn't even a class. She could have talked to me in Japanese!
At this noodle shop it takes so long from the time you order noodles to the time they bring them to the table that I get annoyed. It's not French cuisine, you know.
My son isn't majoring in music, but he's always playing the guitar. I wonder if he can finish school.


(i) Noun{でも/じゃ}あるまいし
子供{でも/じゃ}あるまいしYou aren’t a child, so ~ (literally: you couldn’t possibly be a child, so ~)
(ii) Vinformal わけ{でも/じゃ}あるまいし
プロ野球の選手に{なる/なった}わけ{でも/じゃ}あるまいしIt isn’t the case that someone will/has become a professional baseball player, so ~
(iii) Adjective い informal わけ{でも/じゃ}あるまいし
{面白い/面白かった}わけ{でも/じゃ}あるまいしIt isn’t the case that something is/was interesting, so ~
(iv) Adjective な stem {な/だった}わけ{でも/じゃ}あるまいし
有名{な/だった}わけ{でも/じゃ}あるまいしIt isn’t the case that someone is/was famous, so ~
(v) Noun {である/だった}わけ{でも/じゃ}あるまいし
社長{である/だった}わけ{でも/じゃ}あるまいしIt isn’t the case that someone is/was a company president, so ~