一方(で) (A. 149)

Example sentences

We have to make more effort in developing new energy (sources) while countering the problem of environmental pollution caused by fossil fuels.
Many companies are still not very conscious about (information) security, even though they are eager to invest in information technology.
While the military budget has increased, budgets related to education and social welfare have been cut drastically.
Japan maintains its superiority in the field of machine tools. However (literally: However, on the other hand), its (market) share in the production of finished goods is falling.
Sinking into your sofa, you watch TV passively, while leaning back. On the other hand, the Internet is something you do actively in a forward leaning position, while sitting on the edge of your chair.
At our company we plan to consolidate our present broad range of models into only a few, while at the same time developing new products.
While on the one hand the government is reducing its various budgets, on the other, it's wasteful spending becomes more noticeable.
While a lot of young people cannot find a job, it is said that there is a shortage of manpower in fields essential for maintaining people's lifestyles.
Although (literally: While) pollen allergies are hard to cure completely, they are easy to prevent.
It is convenient to be able to buy foreign foods anywhere but, at the same time, there is the danger of causing a shortage of foodstuff world-wide.
In Japan, the elderly population is increasing, while the population of young people is decreasing.
Today, the number of Japanese who go abroad is three times the number of foreign tourists who come to Japan. At the same time, the number of tourists who come to Japan from abroad has been increasing steadily since 1970.
Information is something that can be easily reproduced and shared. Physical objects, on the other hand, are not so easily reproduced.


(i) {V/Adjectiveい}informal一方()
開発{する/した}一方() While developing something
{難しい/難しかった}一方() While something is/was difficult
(ii) Adjective な stem{な/だった/である/であった}一方()
顕著{な/だった/である/であった}一方() While something is/was noticeable
(iii) Noun{である/だった/であった}一方()
研究社{である/だった/であった}一方() Someone is/was a researcher, and at the same time
(iv) VNの一方()
強化の一方() While strengthening something
(v) Sentence1。一方、Sentence2。
イタリアは人口のほとんどがカトリックだ。一方、ドイツのカトリック人口は全体の約3分の1だ。In Italy most of its population is Catholic. On the other hand, in Germany the Catholic population is about one-third of the entire population