ものの (A. 274)

Example sentences

Although I accepted the interpreting job, I'm not confident that I can do it well.
Although I say being alone is easier, sometimes I want someone to talk with.
Even though I graduated from college, because of the recession I cannot find a good job (despite my efforts).
Although I became a manager and got a raise, my work (of various kinds) quickly increased and I became very busy.
Although it took time to get out of the city, there were no traffic tie-ups after we got on the highway, and we were able to check in at the hotel before four o'clock.
Clams from Korea are a little lean and tough, but they taste very good and are sometimes used for sushi.
Although the local children were cold and unfriendly at the start, as time passed they got used to me and were very kind to me.
Mr. Kobayashi's carriage is light and jaunty, and even though his hair is totally white, he gives the impression of being young.
Even though our team started off well, we lost momentum over the summer, and when the season was over, to our regret we had won less than 50 percent of our games.
Although he was a devout Muslim, he had no connection with Islamic groups in Germany.
Although the calendar says that it is autumn, it's still hot like midsummer.
Our son and his family, who had been living with us, moved out of the prefecture, and we have finally returned to a quiet life. However, we feel a little lonely, not being able to see our grandchild all the time.


(i) {V/Adjectiveい}informalものの
{行く/行った}もののAlthough someone will go/went
{安い/安かった}もののAlthough something is/was cheap
(ii) Adjectiveな stem{な/で(は)ある/だった/であった}ものの
便利{な/で(は)ある/だった/であった}もののAlthough something is/was convenient
(iii) Noun{で(は)ある/だった/であった}ものの
大学生{で(は)ある/だった/であった}もののAlthough someone is/was a college student