何とか (A. 341)

Example sentences

We are making an effort to change the current Japanese political situation somehow.
Something which appears to be impossible to do can take shape in one way or another, if you try.
This past summer I managed to climb Mt. Fuji with my friend.
Although I keep thinking I want to do something about my night owl lifestyle, (literally: even now) I still stay up late.
My boss keeps pressing me, so somehow I have to complete this document by tomorrow.
Patient: Sometimes my forehead bleeds. Doctor: Your forehead bleeds? I haven't heard of a case like that before. Patient: It's true. Doctor, please do something about it.
Mother: Oh, Yuka, you've already finished studying? Daughter: I hate studying! Mother: You're impossible! Dear, say something to her.
Somehow I managed to make my home page, so now I want to show it to everybody.
If you come to the U.S. thinking that you'll get by somehow, you will amount to nothing unless you make an effort on your own.
Thanks to your assistance, which took all kinds of forms, this project has somehow come successfully to completion.