なお (A. 344)

Example sentences

Anime by Hayao Miyazaki will still remain even in 20 or 30 years as anime classics.
This novel must be all the more interesting if you know Paris.
I liked Japan before I went there, but after going there I became even more fond of it.
Let me inform you that there will be a dinner at my residence starting at 6:00 p.m. next Friday. Please call us if you can't come.
In Europe, the United States and Asia the economy has expanded and, generally speaking, favourable conditions continue to prevail.
I saw a drama called "The ¥300,000,000 Robbery" and found it interesting. It was even more so because it is based on a true story.
It is instructive to write down what we think, and still more instructive when our teacher reads our essays and gives comments on them.
It is difficult to speak in Japanese, but it is even harder to write it.
It will take an additional two months to finish this paper.
Those of you who want to participate in the summer Japanese language program in Kanazawa, please submit your applications by the end of this month. Additionally, those who want to apply for a scholarship, please come to the department office immediately to get the form.
I will be in my office from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays, so if you have a question feel free to visit me (during those times). However, if you want to see me at another time, please make an appointment in advance.


(i) なおVている
噴火はなお続いているThe eruption is still going on
(ii) なおAdjective (い/な)
なおいいEven better
なお立派だEven more magnificent
(iii) なお{Adjectiveいstemく /Adjectiveなstemに}(なる)
なお大きく(なる) (become) even larger
なおきれいに(なる) (become) even prettier
(iv) なおNumber+Counter
なお十年Another 10 years
(v) Sentence1。なおSentence2。
会は毎週月曜日です。なお詳しい情報は会のサイトをご覧下さい。The meeting is every Monday. And for detailed information, please look at the meeting’s site