に応じて・応じた (A. 412)

Example sentences

In response to union demands, the standard work day (literally: standard work hours) will be shortened.
Bonuses were distributed to all employees according to their performance (literally: achievements).
Please make sure your driving is appropriate for the weather and road conditions.
We can also dispatch a lecturer to the school in response to their request.
The drugs a patient receives at the hospital are prescribed by the doctor according to the patient's physical condition and symptoms.
A wise way of using a water heater is to adjust the (pre-set) temperature each time, according to the purpose.
According to the "Survey of How Future Higher Education Should Be," which was conducted this year, 33.7 percent (of respondents) agreed that for effective foreign language education, "classes should be taught by dividing students according to their ability".
Shampoo, which is indispensable for hair care, comes in various types, depending on the condition of your hair.
Generally, supply changes according to the demand. However, it is also true that in some cases demand changes according to the supply.
When buying a house, you should choose one that is within your means (literally: suitable for your income).
We support the production of highly cost-effective Web pages geared to the customer's budget (literally: suitable for the customer's budget).
The Law Regarding the Protection of Personal Information, which was promulgated in the fifteenth year of Heisei (2003), requires businesses that handle personal information to disclose or correct an individual's personal data in their possession in response to the individual's demand, or to stop using the data in response to his/her demand.


(i) Nounに応じて
求めに応じてIn response to someone’s request
能力に応じてAccording to someone’s ability
(ii) Noun1に応じたNoun2
目的に応じた教え方A teaching method suitable for the purpose