にしろ・せよ (A. 418)

Example sentences

Even though he didn't have much time, this work is too sloppy.
No matter who writes it, there can be absolutely no mistakes.
Whether you go or not, please give me a call later.
At any rate (literally: whatever it is), leaving the situation as it is won't solve the problem.
Even though it is just practice, you have to take it seriously.
Although the degree may differ from country to country (literally: there may be differences in degree), there is no country without gender discrimination.
Even if (it's true that) taking the drug will not solve all your problems, in your case, you have to alleviate the symptoms first (by taking it).
Even if we ask someone to write it for us, we will have to think of what to say (literally: the content) ourselves.
Whichever software application you use, you must quickly get comfortable using it (literally: get used to how to use it).
Whoever explains it (to him) must be very careful not to hurt his feelings.
No matter what the circumstances were, quitting the job without saying anything is just (too) irresponsible.
Books on Web page design are spilling off of bookstore shelves, and whether we want to read them ourselves or recommend them to someone else, it is hard to know what to choose.
First of all, whether you support the current administration or criticize it, an accurate understanding and a cool analysis of the problems are indispensable.
Whether it be baseball or soccer, you cannot stay as a professional player just with an ordinary effort.
Whether they do it consciously or unconsciously, ordinary people try to avoid unpleasant things.
Whether it is true or not, once you send out information on the Internet, you can't take it back.


(i) Vinformal{しろ/せよ}
{行く/行った}{しろ/せよ}Even though someone goes/went
(ii) Adjectiveいinformal{しろ/せよ}
{高い/高かった}{しろ/せよ}Even though something is/was expensive
(iii) Adjectiveなstem{∅/である/だった/であった}{しろ/せよ}
不十分{∅/である/だった/であった}{しろ/せよ}Even though something is/was insufficient
(iv) Noun{∅/である/だった/であった}{しろ/せよ}
子供{∅/である/だった/であった}{しろ/せよ}Even though it is/was a child
誰{∅/である/だった/であった}{しろ/せよ}Whoever it may be/have been
いずれ{しろ/せよ}Whichever it may be; at any rate
(v) Adverb{しろ/せよ}
ゆっくり{しろ/せよ}Even though something happens slowly