にしても (A. 435)

Example sentences

Even if we decide to buy a piano, we won't have a place to put it in such a small apartment.
Even though (we agree that) Miki's story was exaggerated, probably not all of it was untrue.
No matter who is going to do this job, we have no room for mistakes.
Whether you go or someone else does, this meeting will take a lot of preparation.
With honorific language, too, we often notice incorrect usage these days.
Even if we (decide to) go home right now, I wonder if we will be able to get plane tickets.
Kyoto has so many places to see, so even if you (decide to) stay within the city, you should plan on spending about three days.
Even taking the strong influence from China into account, this work demonstrates the high quality craftsmanship of Japanese painters.
Even though (it is true that) we could avoid a worst-case scenario, the damage from this typhoon is (still) enormous.
Even though it's not what you get in New York, you can listen to fairly high-quality music in this city, too.
Whatever you may do (in the future), you'd do well to study English hard.
Whether you decide to go or not, could you make up your mind soon?
When he said that, Tatsuya didn't intend to be mean-spirited, either.
Because most of the appliances in imported campers are designed for the 120-volt standard, stoves and air-conditioners, for example, do not have enough output at campsites in Japan, where 100 volts is the standard.


(i) Sinformalにしてもだ after Adjectiveなstem and Noun is omitted
{行く/行った}にしてもEven if someone decides to go/even though (it is the case that) someone went
{高い/高かった}にしてもEven if (it is true that) something is expensive/even though (it is true that) something was expensive
便利{∅/である/ だった/であった}にしてもEven if (it is true that) something is convenient/even though (it is true that) something was convenient
学生{∅/である/ だった/であった}にしてもEven if (it is true that) someone is a student/even though (it is true that) someone was a student
(ii) NPにしても
この国の文化にしてもThis country’s culture, too