にとどまらず (A. 440)

Example sentences

His area of research is not limited merely to philosophy, but extends to cognitive psychology as well.
Not only does she avidly read novels, she also has written a couple of novels herself, which have been published in magazines.
The doctor is doing excellent research not only in his speciality, mathematics, but also in computer science.
At our lab, we don't just focus on theory, we also emphasize its application.
My senior schoolmates, as people more experienced in life, have given me invaluable advice, not only when I was a student but also after I graduated.
This medical school not only teaches technical expertise, it also makes an effort to teach ethics (literally: human education), such as respect (literally: love) for human beings, a sense of mission and a sense of responsibility.
In chamber music, each player has to understand not only his or her own part, but everyone else's as well.
Not only does this medicine prevent your hair from thinning, it brings your grey hair back to its original black colour.
A doctorate from this university not only serves as evidence of excellence in professional knowledge, it also declares that the holder possesses great potential as a person.
The field of mechanics is important not only as a system of science and technology that controls the material world, but also as a system for understanding the world.
Not only are her lectures interesting, they always have some deep philosophical meaning, too.


(i) Noun(だけ) にとどまらず
日本(だけ) にとどまらずSomething is not limited to Japan, and ~
その時代(だけ) にとどまらずSomething goes beyond that age ~
(ii) Vinformal(だけ) にとどまらず
{読む/読んだ}(だけ) にとどまらずNot only does/did someone read something, but ~
(iii) {Noun/Adjectiveなstem}であるにとどまらず
証明するものであるにとどまらずSomething not only serves as evidence
重要であるにとどまらずSomething is not only important
(iv) Adjectiveいinformalだけにとどまらず
面白いだけにとどまらずSomething is not only interesting